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We found this magical place by coincidence..  it was an old, un-used warehouse surrounded by an overgrown banana plantation. We knew straight away that we wanted this amazing place. 


Our vision was to build the best and most beautiful photo studio that we could imagine. A place where you wanted to be, where you wanted to work and challenge your creativity.  A peaceful, private oasis surrounded by nature - away from the hustle and bustle yet still centrally located.


It was important to us to keep the original banana trees and to build a lush tropical garden around them to maintain the beauty and positive energy of Bali. 


Let’s face it, you don’t invest in a high-end rental studio to make a lot of money. This project has been a labour of love and we have channeled our hard work and creative energy into creating a beautiful and unique high-end studio. 


Our goal is that we can share our passion with other creatives on the same wave length… to stimulate photographers and filmmakers in Bali to take their work to the next level. 

There were many choices and decisions to be made when fitting out the studio with photographic equipment…….

"Do we go for Profoto or Broncolor?"

Having worked for over 25 years with both brands we made the decision to go with Broncolor. 

The final reasons are maybe more personal than factual but for us, the most important factors behind our decision to use Broncolor was reliability, continuity of color temperature, and the quality and wide variety of light shapers and accessories.



Please reach out to us if you have any questions or would like to arrange to check out the studio for yourself.

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